Selasa, 06 Juli 2010

no matter how bad the problems are is best if you tell the truth

so i just post this shitty thing on my friend's formspring and actually it kinda hurt her feeling and i know i shouldn't do that , i said i was sorry and i lied to her i said is not for her is for my other friend , but you know what she didn't believe it and it makes me such a fucking looser even better and i didn;t like that i mean if i make a mistake i should tell her the truth and just let her forgive me or not , after all is best for her to know it and so yes i told her the truth that it actually for her and it felt so good , idc if she still mad at me but at least she know the truth and she don't have to be confuse anymore and we still can be friends so i guess i start to tell the truth instead of lying anymore :) TTYL guys

Minggu, 04 Juli 2010

what girl are u? i'm the real girl cause i'm not perfect
and i wanna be with you like there's nobody else exist in this world
call your self ugly you failed

yeay i'm going to drive all night long to jogja this wednesday actually my father drives i'm not allowe yet

i want it to happend between you and me :)
i wish my friendship last like spongebob and patrick's

love what you hate , so you have nothing to hate :)

don't ever stop dreamin once you stop dreamin you loose everything
every picture has it own story , and every camera has it own picture to make a story
just change a few things about my blog hahaha hope you guys like it :P there's alot of new stuffs hahah hope you guys like it :) - sweetlittleLiar

Sabtu, 03 Juli 2010

i wish i can do this with the person i love or at least my bf bestfriend
you never know what to do , somebody you love just fell in love with your best friend and there is somebody who's in love with you but you can never accept him cause , you alredy fell in love with the guy who's not in love with you. ~liar'slaughter~


lately i've been watching this brittish tv series called nearly famous , is an old tv series but i love it so it's about a group of British teenagers at a top London school of the performing was fun and just awesome , aaron jhonson is great :)

ennie mennie life

i had confused in life , what does it mean? what does it for? are we gambling for life? what does it actually mean? i never knew what it's for why do god make a life? is just a random thing i never know